Has food become a marketed industry ?

Ted Talks: Has anyone else jumped on this bandwagon ? There is a barrage of online (short) talks given by notable persons on basically every thought possible subject under the sun.

I stumbled across this Ted Talk yesterday.

To give a brief summary the talk focuses on how we, as a society, are consuming far too many animal products.

YES – meat may be required for some, however, we do not need to consume meat for optimal health and certainly not as much as what many consume daily. Meat has become a marketed industry and one which has been overused and aligned with processed, trans fatty fast food.

Food, specifically the meat industry, has become industrialized. Enormous amounts of land have and are continually being cleared for farming. Animals are being modified to produce MORE. Animals are now designed to be bigger by use of hormones which stimulate unnatural growth. Defects are manifested as a result, only to be treated by induced vaccines, antibiotics and steroids – more chemicals which in turn we are then consuming as per our lifestyle choices as a consumer.

The alarming nature of how the food we eat TODAY and the effects of which are determining the well being, quality and span of our lives.

Why do we eat what we eat then ? We are we so naive to the facts ? Why do we continue to consume food(s) we know are ‘bad’ for us ?

Because we are being told to do so. Advertising for food as a commodity is everywhere. You cannot avoid FOOD.

Our current attitude to food and the influence that major food corporations have over monopolizing the industry is foul.

We need to challenge current conventions in an attempt to solve the current, and rising, problem for the sake of our own health, life and well being.

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